

Pricing & Fees

Payments are made via Direct Debit on a Thursday and fees are paid for the current week. Our service is eligible for Childcare Subsidy.
  • 5 days permanent
  • $135 per day
  • Upto 4 days permanent
  • $140 per day
  • Casual Day
  • $150 per day
  • $50 Victorian Free kinder Offset is credited weekly during school terms.

Modes of payment: Direct Debit. No cash transactions, please!

Please note that we take payments on Thursdays. It might reflect in your bank the same day or on Friday. Dishonour of fees will incur a penalty. Permanent rates are applicable regardless of public holidays or child’s absence. Holiday fees (half of the gap fees) can be applied if this information is shared 2 weeks in advance via email.